Samsung expects chip revenue to return to 2022 levels this year

March 26, 2024 — Kye-Hyun Kyung, president and CEO of Samsung Electronics and head of the Device Solutions Division, said in a recent interview that chip sales revenue this year is expected to return to the level of 2022, and revealed that Samsung aims to become the world’s largest semiconductor company in two to three years.

Kye-Hyun Kyung revealed that the memory chip business has returned to profitability in January and is expected to return to normal this year. However, Samsung lags behind rivals in high-bandwidth memory (HBM), which is in high demand when paired with artificial intelligence (AI) chips.

Kye-Hyun Kyung said Samsung will restore its basic competitiveness to create a business that is less affected by market conditions. He said that in addition to HBM, the company is also negotiating with customers on Computing Express Link (CXL) and Processing in Memory (PIM) products, and the results in these areas will soon appear.